Favicon LogoIt’s funny how certain topics crop up out of the blue and then recur over-and-again for a while afterwards. Over the past couple of months, “the structure of The Suidlanders” has come up on a few occasions and it culminated in the Senior Leaders Meeting on Saturday 20st August when much of the discussion related to the organisation’s structure. The main items on the agenda, namely reporting, discipline (in the sense of application), promotions, the filling of existing roles, and new roles, all have something to do with the structure of the organisation. Who’s who in the zoo?

Therefore, we’d like to devote some time to ensuring that new and old members alike are provided the opportunity to get onto the same page. Let’s ensure that we all have absolute clarity on the fundamental structure of  the Suidlanders because, quite frankly, it pertains to everything. It pertains to everything  NOW and it pertains to everything THEN.

What follows is a simplified breakdown. Do not employ it as a definitive reference to the entire organisation. Consider that the Suidlanders is a lawful civil defence organisation whose raison d’etre is to safeguard the welfare of civilians during a period of nationwide anarchy. The organisation must plan to cater for every need: from baby food to trauma counselling and from feeding many people to communicating between remote locations. With that in mind, you can just imagine for yourself how elaborate is the complete structure; it runs to thousands and thousands of posts. It cannot be comprehensively addressed even in ten articles.

None the less, it is vital that all members should understand the basics of how everything fits together and where everyone fits in. In one sentence: we have a NOW structure which runs the organisation on a day-to-day basis and we have a THEN structure specifically designed to effect, or realise, a National Emergency Plan under international humanitarian law.