The right to self-preservation – SA Prepper

SA PrepperWe all desire to live in peace and harmony with our fellow men. But evil is pervasive in the world and in our country. Tyranny and oligarchy reign. Minority groups, whether it be on religious, ethnic, political or racial grounds, are targeted for discrimination, suppression and even annihilation. It is happening in many parts of the world and it is happening here in the ‘rainbow nation’ of South Africa.  White South Africans, minority ethnic groups from other parts of Africa and even smaller political (including black) parties are being targeted. Whites are being excluded from finding work (especially in the government and parastatal institutions). Those who have their own businesses are being forced to become BEE compliant. Land is being taken away from them.  Efforts have been made and are ongoing to disarm law abiding citizens. Attacks and murders on whites – especially in rural and farming areas – continue unabated and the law enforcement authorities can do little, or choose to or are ordered to do little about it. In 2014 no less than 215 white farmers were brutally murdered. Whilst some figures of whites killed by blacks are grossly exaggerated, the numbers, as with black on black murders, remain unacceptably high.

The Apartheid Convention adopted by the UN General Assembly on 30 November 1973 (Twenty-eighth session of the General Assembly, Summary record of the 2004th meeting of the Third Committee, held on 23 October 1973, (A/C.3/SR.2004), paragraph 4)) declares that apartheid is a crime against humanity and that “inhuman acts resulting from the policies and practices of apartheid and similar policies and practices of racial segregation and discrimination” are international crimes (art. 1).

Article 2 defines the crime of apartheid –“as policies and practices of racial segregation and discrimination” – as covering “inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them”.

It then lists the acts that fall within the ambit of the crime. These include murder, torture, inhuman treatment and arbitrary arrest of members of a racial group; deliberate imposition on a racial group of living conditions calculated to cause it physical destruction; legislative measures that discriminate in the political, social, economic and cultural fields; measures that divide the population along racial lines by the creation of separate residential areas for racial groups; the prohibition of interracial marriages; and the persecution of persons opposed to apartheid.

Systematic murder of whites, affirmative action, BEE, land invasions, expropriation of white owned land……..

These things should actually come as no surprise. The government is, after all, only carrying out what it promised to do in its CIRCULAR NO 213-6 dated June 1993.

It should be evident that we still live in an Apartheid state with the minority white population now being singled out by a black majority government through legislative policies for discrimination, oppression and physical destruction along racial lines. Anti-white sentiment runs strong and deep and it is not uncommon on a daily basis to hear racial slurs and threats against the white minority being expressed in parliament, political rallies, and over state run propaganda media channels. It is not something that the majority of people in this country even attempt to conceal. At least they are being honest about their ultimate intentions. And so we must prepare. We have a right to self-preservation through self-defence and if need be, resistance. This is affirmed by Article 51 of the UN charter.

Maybe there is another, Higher Way. May the Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth give us wisdom and courage.


ANC letter