Hypocrisy – Of The Highest Order

SA-prepper-BannerThe government has recently had a lot to say about racism and how they are against it. New legislation is to be passed in September 2016 which will make derogatory racial comments or discrimination a crime punishable by imprisonment. Even cartoonists have been warned that “subtle racism” in their drawings will not be tolerated.

What hypocrisy! It is of the highest order. If a white person dare make any “negative” racial comment it brings the “wrath of the gods” down on them. Try singing “De La Rey” in public and see what happens but the president of the country can continue singing his “bring me my machine gun” struggle song, black groups can sing “kill the farmer kill the boer” (i.e. whites) and display placards with this slogan with impunity, black students can walk around on campus wearing T shirts bearing the slogan “kill all whites”, the social media can be filled with vitriolic white hate speech and incitement to racial war and the government does little or nothing about it.

Black politicians continue to inflame racial tensions by repeatedly reminding their electorates of the injustices and crimes perpetrated by the whites during apartheid – instead of – if they were really sincere about bringing about reconciliation and unity – bringing closure to the past, putting it behind us and moving on. It would appear that the last thing they want to do is “bury the hatchet” – they WANT to perpetuate racial hatred and intolerance under the guise of being “non-racist”. The present government IS and will continue to be racist.

Whites are told that they take up all the good jobs and for this reason Black Economic Empowerment and Affirmative Action policies are being pursued. What a farce! How can the whites of this country that make up only 10% of the population take up all the jobs – even if every single one of them was employed! It is a mathematical impossibility! This exposes BEE and affirmative action as nothing less than racist discrimination and a mechanism by which to impoverish whites and contribute towards the white genocide that is taking place in this country. Take away a person’s right to earn an honest living and they will eventually starve. This is just a different form as genocide which “complements” the white murders which continue to increase on farms and in urban areas. The fact that the government has done little to acknowledge this is a reflection of their depraved indifference when whites are the targets of racism and discrimination.

Only when the government puts an end to BEE and affirmative action and allows whites to compete for jobs on a level playing field, only when they stop making inflammatory statements of the past designed to fuel racial tensions, only when they come down as hard on blacks who make rabid anti-white statements as they do on whites, only when they stop singing their “struggle” songs, only when they allow Afrikaners to have Afrikaans institutions (including schools and universities) and allow for white diversity as part of their so-called rainbow nation, will the current government be worthy of any credibility. Until then the “one-sided” racism where blacks are allowed (encouraged) to openly demean, threaten, disparage, insult and kill whites will be exposed for what it is – hypocrisy of the highest order. One sided racism (blacks targeting whites), it would appear is and will be tolerated in the future. Whites are being deprived and robbed of their jobs, property, language, faith, culture and lives. If this is not racial discrimination and genocide then pray – what is? We are being driven into a corner where we will be left with only two options.

SA Prepper magazine is a publication designed to help prepare people for emergencies of all kinds and to help them become more self-reliant. From suddenly finding yourself being retrenched, to large scale natural disasters, widespread social unrest, economic collapse, medical and household emergencies and much more. It costs R300 for a year’s subscription (12 issues) and is available from [email protected] in English or Afrikaans.